
Sun Safe

Information and tools for teens, about UV exposure

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Getting the sun safety message right

In Australia, skin cancer rates are a matter of great concern, and getting sun safety messages right is a critical public health issue. Young people in particular need to receive well-crafted messaging that balances the need to limit damaging UV exposure, with getting sufficient sun exposure for adequate vitamin D.

Sun Safe is a Government funded app targeted at teenagers, seeking to provide exactly this information, as well as tools to help users track their exposure and remember to apply sun protection.


Choosing the right data source

Many mobile apps need to integrate with one or more external data sources, to provide value to users. These sources provide data via application programming interfaces (APIs), and choosing the right one is critical to an app’s success.

Sun Safe needed temperature and UV index data. Reach HPI investigated and advised on the options, helping the project team to understand the costs and benefits of each, and to select a weather API that would provide the data, flexibility and cost-effectiveness needed by the project.


Appealing to the target audience

When an app is specifically targeted at a key demographic - in this case, teenagers - it’s important to tailor the app to suit. Visual and artistic style is a key component. Reach HPI assisted with the commission of a graphic artist to provide iconography and illustrations perfectly suited to the app’s style.

As well as integrating this art into the app’s design, we also developed an iMessage sticker set, available for users to attach to messages, to help share the app among friends.


“The State Government is committed to supporting initiatives which educate the community about skin cancer and prevention. People can minimise their exposure to UV radiation, and reduce their risk of developing skin cancers.”

— WA Health Minister Roger Cook, announcing funding for the Sun Safe project

Links and publications



Download Sun Safe for iOS devices (Australia only)

Media statement

Read the media statement


Developing an Online Tool to Promote Safe Sun Behaviors With Young Teenagers as Co-researchers

R. Nguyen, I.M. Clare, N. Gamage, G.A. Alvares, L.J. Black, P.H. Hart, R.M. Lucas, M. Strickland, M. Jaimangal, J. White and S. Gorman

Available online